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Don't know where to start in your first therapy session?

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

Starting therapy can feel intimidating. You may be unsure of where to start, what to say, and feel awkward sharing aspects of yourself and your life with someone new. Sometimes we come into therapy with a clear topic in mind. Other times, we have many areas we want to focus on and unsure of where to begin.

What can release some of the pressure in your initial session is knowing that there's no "one right way" to enter into therapy.

At its core, therapy is a relationship. And in this relationship, your therapist works at your pace. Wherever you're at, we'll meet you there.

If this looks like not knowing where to start, let us know and we'll help you sort it out.

If this looks like needing to get a feel of us before you invite us into your inner world, we'll respect that. Getting to know each other can help build rapport and comfort.

If you need some direction, we can give you some options.

Our therapists at Sedâ Psychotherapy are committed to supporting you in a client-centred, compassionate, and collaborative way. Interested in meeting with one of the therapists on our team? Book a free consultation here.


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